What's on

We welcome questions about classes, and ideas about starting your own community class, or if you have some spare time to help and volunteer. We would love to hear from you.


10.00am - 11.00am    
Steady as you Go  
Low impact exercise 65y+
$2 per class
04 4996648


11.00am - 12.00pm
Steady as you Go
Low impact exercise 65y+
$2 per class
04 4996648
FULL - try Monday


10.30am - 11.30am  First Wednesday of the month

Age Concern Wellington Pop Up Morning tea

Delicious morning tea, lots of chatter and a different speaker every month

3. 15pm - 4.00pm
Glee Club - Drama for children 6-10yrs

6.30pm - 9.00pm  First Wednesday of every month
Stitch In hosted by Wellington Embroiderers' Guild

Bring your own work and make some new friends or learn some new stitches and techniques. Experienced stitchers and beginners's welcome.

Members no charge. Non Members Koha


10.00am - 12.00pm
Charity Knitting and Crochet Club

A very relaxed couple of hours where we come together to knit, and crochet for various charities around the Wellington Region.  Wool, needles and patterns provided.

Donations of wool always appreciated.

Come as little or as often.  Great coffee, biscuits and chat. 
021 955 331

3.30pm - 5.30pm

Dynamite Music / Drum lessons with Alexei
022 317 4429


11.00am - 12.00pm
Steady as you Go
Low impact exercise 65y+
$2 per class
04 499 6648

FULL try Monday

7:30pm - 9:00pm
Seatoun Scottish Country Dancing


Space available to hire


10.30am  - 11.30am 
Private Booking 

12pm - 2.30pm 
Private Booking 

Contact us to find out about hiring our spaces

Or read more about venue hire, rates and options available